Tuesday, March 13, 2012

American Idol Season 11 - Jermaine Jones Disqualified

Jermaine Jones has been disqualified from American Idol for hiding his criminal past from the producers

He was charged with 2 crimes in 2011 with one involving violence. He gave a fake name when he was arrested. He currently has outstanding warrants.

He was confronted by the producers on camera today, and will no longer be part of the show.

Jermaine tweeted: “Awww I will no longer b on the show” (but he has since deleted it, after we reported on his disqualification — there’s a screencap of course).

Let the conspiracy theories begin!

Of course Nigel Lythgoe knew about Jermaine’s criminal past — that’s why they brought him back for the Top 25! He was perfect! Nigel is so talented. Anything for ratings. This is the American Idol we know and love! Long live American Idol! Scandal forever!

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